Brand Archetype
The Jester
The Jester brand archetype is playful, curious and attention-driven. The Jester uses humour in almost any situation and attracts innovative, outspoken people. This archetype likes to mock conventions with sarcasm and jokes often expose real problems. They like to challenge while making fun of them at the same time. Above all, the Jester makes everything bearable.
Jester companies are easy going, playful and curious. Customers are attracted by their fun-loving attitude. For instance, they want to hang out with them. The way these brands make their customers feel, keeps them coming back for more.

All brands need a personality, is this yours?
Light and playful, using jokes to show you that things happen to anyone.
brand experience
A sense of humor, mischief, authenticity, originality and sarcasm.
To laugh, have fun and be curious.
To turn challenging situations into something laughable and bearable.
To be curious, playful and funny.
To live in the moment with full enjoyment.
Live in the moment.
Being bored or boring others. Living the life “same day every day”.
Achilles heel
Staying on task and being frivolous.
The colour pallet for
the jester archetype

The Jester brand mood board
Lighten up and make us laugh.
Example brands